RRI tools relating to gender equality

Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) and Science Shops

The European Commission is committed to promoting gender equality in research and innovation and gender is a cross-cutting issue in Horizon 2020.

Gender equality in RRI is about ensuring gender-balance in teams and decision-making bodies, as well as equal opportunities for men and women (a requirement introduced by the Treaty of Amsterdam in 1997). Another aspect is taking the gender dimension in research and innovation into consideration to improve the quality and social relevance of the results. If relevant gender issues are poorly addressed, research results could potentially be biased.

For science shops, this means considering the gender balance of research teams, advisory boards and participatory activities, as well as taking the gender dimension into consideration in the research projects that are undertaken.


… to understand gender equality in RRI
Gender equality in RRI terms? is an introduction to gender equality in RRI with links to further resources and guidance on how to put gender equality into practice including How to promote gender balance in decision making and How to ensure gender balance in R&I teams.
… to learn how to take the gender dimension into consideration in a research project
Gender in EU-funded research toolkit produced by the European Commission is a practical toolkit providing an overview of how the gender dimension can be integrated into a research project. It includes a checklist for gender in research. Also, contains real-life examples in nine specific research fields on how planned research can be made gender sensitive.